On Edge

On Edge

A series of art and artisan pieces utilizing the “on edge” fusing process in order to reveal the inner beauty of the sheet glass. The process to create these pieces involves taking flat sheets of glass, cutting it into strips, and standing them on their edge in the kiln. The glass is damned to control the glass flow and insure the face of the glass fuses together. After fusing, the edges are cold-worked with a wet-belt sander. Finally, the glass is placed back in the kiln to be fire-polished and slumped. The “on edge” fusing reveals the inner beauty of the glass creating a truly unique and mesmerizing effect.

Hommage I (15.75″ x 15.75″ x 1.75″), $1075
Fused and Slumped Kiln-Formed Glass Platter made from hand-crafted components including glass bars fused “on-edge” and cut to create the rainbow of triangle
pieces and white and black dots made from glass rods.


Blue Rivers (glass - 10” x 14”; total – 18” x 17.5”), $250 This piece utilizes an “on-edge” fusing process. Flat sheets of glass are cut into strips and stood on their edge in the kiln. The glass is damned to control the glass flow and insure the face of the glass fuses together. After fusing, the edges are cold-worked with a wet-belt sander. Finally, the glass is placed back in the kiln to be fire-polished.
Blue Rivers (glass – 10” x 14”; total – 18” x 17.5”), SOLD


Spearmint (12″ x 8″ platter), $120